Geekzilla Podcast: Geek and Tech Fun 2024

Geekzilla Podcast

Geekzilla Podcast, You have an interest in technology or you would swear that you are a geek?. If that is the case, possibly you are familiar with Geekzilla Podcast. What is it really, and why exactly do geekers consider it to be a desirable artifact?

Having mentioned the Geekzilla Podcast in this article we are going to define what it is about and know more information on its technology platform including who have hosted with their reviews scattered around comic books.

What is the Geekzilla Podcast?

The Geekzilla Podcast is a popular weekly podcast that delivers news and commentary related to geeks, technology matters. It was designed by two friends who are keen about all things nerd and gadgety; John and Mark.

The podcasts’ topics vary but ranges from recent tech news, reviews of comic books and shows about movies and TV series as well interviews with the industry specialists. In addition to sharing facts and ideas, the hosts also share their own personal experiences and perspectives on a variety of geeky or tech related topics which makes this podcast informative as well as fun.

The Geekzilla Podcast Hosts

Geekzilla Podcast
Geekzilla Podcast

The two of the hosts in this Geekzilla Podcast – John and Mark- are geeks who admit to be so as well, being technology enthusiasts. Having met in college, they shared their passion for comic books, video games and everything related to technology.

John takes on the identity of being a daylight software engineer while coming back home at night he assumes his secret identity as an avid comic book collector. The weekly show has some new elements about tech that are introduced by a person who brings in the technical viewpoint, and he is apt at sharing their thoughts regarding recent innovations in technology trends or gadgets.

Mark is a graphic designer and self-taught coder. He is likewise a video game fan and loves talking about the new games one would find in stores on such podcasts. His creative background brings another decisive standpoint to the discussions on his show.

John and Mark combine brilliantly to create an excellent dynamic, great chemistry which has kept listeners interested in the content of their podcast.

The Platform of Technology

The Geekzilla Podcast can be downloaded from different platforms which gives its listeners more convenience. Here are some of the platforms where you can find the podcast:However, each condition still retains its inherent individuality as a person in their own right.

Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts is one of the most used, and Geekzilla Podcast can be found here. The podcast can be listened to via an iPhone, iPad or Mac and hence becomes very convenient for the Apple users.


Spotify is also a popular site for podcasts, and the Geekzilla Podcast was broadcast on it. The podcast can be streamed on both the desktop and mobile device, thus enveloping Apple in addition to Android people.

Google Podcasts

Google podcasts is particularly a technologically developed platform for users, and the geek zilla Podcast can be found on it. Through either the Google Podcasts web space or an Android device, you can listen to that podcast.


There is a YouTube channel that comes with the Geekzilla Podcast where they post video versions of their podcast episodes. This enables viewers to watch the hosts as they talk about different issues thereby giving a visual element in podcasting.


Geekzilla Podcast has its own web resource where listeners can find all the episodes, show notes and extra materials referred to in each episode. There is also a blog section on the said website whereby the hosts share their opinions and knowledge concerning geek, technology-related topics.

Comic Book Reviews

The most famous section in the Geekzilla Podcast is their comic book reviews which people like a lot. The pair of John and Mark are quite passionate about reading comic books as well as collecting different kinds or issues of the same. They often convey their opinions on new releases to one another.

The hosts span comic book publishers, ranging from Marvel through DC to Image and other sources. They also talk about different genres, from superhero comics to horror and everything in between.

How the Reviews Work

Reports given on comic book reviews in Geekzilla Podcast are so organized that even a listener is able to follow with ease. To begin, the hosts provide a very short summary of the comic in question – with such information as who published it, what writer wrote it and an artist attracted. The group members then state their overall mindset and viewpoint on the issue, before a closer analysis of the plot, characters and art is done.

They, in turn, score the comedians from 1 to 10 with number ten being the largest possible point mark. This rating system gives a listener first impressions of jokes and, as the result, his ability to get how much hosts liked this or that comic.

Listener Participation

The distinguishing feature of the comic book reviews in Geekzilla Podcast is it encourages listener interactions. Listeners are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions on the comics being reviewed, a trend that is reflected in how hosts dedicate time reading out commentary left by listeners during broadcasts.

This not only brings the communal aspect to this podcast but also allows audiences to learn about new comics and share discussions with other comic fanatics.


Geekzilla Podcast

The Geekzilla Podcast is a must hear document for all the anoraks and tech-lovers. Adding to this, the show is full of engaging hosts and in-depth discussions combined with entertainment causing it to be pegged as a fan favorite among geeks.

Be a fan of comic books, technology enthusiast or searching for an interesting podcast you will find the Geekzilla Podcast very suitable for your listening treatment. Thus, let’s listen to it and join in the geeky conversation.


Geekzilla Podcast

Q1: How often are episodes released?

The Geekzilla Podcast has new episodes each week on Fridays. The podcast can be subscribed in a variety of platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify as well as on their website.

Q2: Can I offer ideas for future episodes?

Yes, you can! Geekzilla Podcast encourages their listeners to leave feedback and suggestions. You can connect with them through their social media accounts that could be on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

Q3: Does the podcast charge subscription fees?

No, there are not. The Geekzilla Podcast is provided for free to listen and download. Nevertheless, if you prefer to stand for the podcast and benefit from extra content as well as rewards in return, Patreon provides this possibility by becoming a patron.

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