20 Funny Responses to What Are You Doing?

20 Funny Responses to What Are You Doing?

1. Being quiet. Why not join me.

20 Funny Responses to What Are You Doing?,Ever found yourself relishing the bliss of silence? Responding with a simple “Being quiet. Why not join me” not only highlights your appreciation for tranquility but also extends an invitation to share in the serenity.

2. Minding my business – you should do so too.

When someone asks what you’re up to, sometimes the best response is to emphasize the importance of personal space. “Minding my business – you should do so too” playfully reminds others to focus on their own affairs.

3. Not much – just counting the stars.

Imagine the surprise on someone’s face when they discover you’re busy counting stars. This whimsical response adds a touch of dreaminess to your conversation, turning a mundane question into a cosmic adventure.

4. Nothing much – just wondering why the sky is up there.

Engage in a bit of existential contemplation by responding with “Nothing much – just wondering why the sky is up there.” This lighthearted query challenges the ordinary and injects a dose of playful curiosity into the dialogue.

5. Committing murder.

Ready to take the conversation to a dark and unexpected place? Responding with “Committing murder” is sure to elicit a mix of shock and amusement. Just be prepared for the follow-up questions!

6. Counting stones – wanna join?

Transform a seemingly mundane activity into a whimsical invitation with “Counting stones – wanna join?” This playful response invites others to partake in an ordinary task turned extraordinary.

7. Being a legend.

Boost your self-esteem and inject humor into the conversation with the boastful response, “Being a legend.” This playful declaration adds a touch of confidence and charisma to your everyday interactions.20 Funny Responses to What Are You Doing?

20 Funny Responses to What Are You Doing?

8. Busy answering annoying questions.

When sarcasm is your weapon of choice, respond with “Busy answering annoying questions.” This witty comeback not only acknowledges the nature of the query but also adds a humorous twist.

9. Solving world problems.

Elevate the conversation with a touch of grandiosity by claiming to be “Solving world problems.” This tongue-in-cheek response adds a dash of importance to your activities, no matter how trivial they may be.

10. Digging your grave.

Take a morbid turn with the unexpected response,20 Funny Responses to What Are You Doing?, “Digging your grave.” This darkly humorous comeback is sure to leave people chuckling nervously and questioning your sanity

11. Wondering where you came from.

Turn the tables on the questioner by responding with “Wondering where you came from.” This clever twist adds a playful element to the conversation, prompting a moment of self-reflection for the inquirer.

12. Planning how to sell you.

Inject a bit of absurdity into the dialogue with “Planning how to sell you.” This response flips the script and transforms a casual question into a comical exploration of imaginary scenarios.

13. Burning down the house.

Dial up the intensity with the unexpected response, “Burning down the house.” This humorous exaggeration adds a touch of drama to your activities,20 Funny Responses to What Are You Doing?, sparking curiosity and laughter

14. Taking a shower – you should give me some privacy.

Turn a mundane task into a comedic moment with “Taking a shower – you should give me some privacy.” This playful response adds a hint of cheekiness to the conversation.

20 Funny Responses to What Are You Doing?

15. Talking to a ghost – can’t you see?

Embrace the supernatural with “Talking to a ghost – can’t you see?” This imaginative response invites others into a world of whimsy and mystery, setting the stage for a playful exchange.

16. Reaching for the stars.

Inspire with ambition by stating, “Reaching for the stars.” This positive and aspirational response adds a touch of motivation to the conversation, showcasing your determination and dreams.

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17. Having a party – you should join me.

Infuse a dose of festivity into your reply with “Having a party – you should join me.” This playful invitation turns a simple question into an opportunity for shared joy and camaraderie.

18. Swimming.

Keep it short and sweet with the straightforward response, “Swimming.” This concise reply adds an element of surprise, leaving others to wonder whether you’re being literal or metaphorical.

19. Looking for your brains.

Inject a playful touch of zombie humor into the conversation with “Looking for your brains.” This witty response combines cheekiness with a hint of absurdity, creating a memorable moment of laughter.

20. Why not ask Google.

Deflect the question with a touch of modernity by suggesting, “Why not ask Google.” This clever response adds a tech-savvy twist, turning the conversation into a playful interaction with the digital realm.

21. Juggling invisible balls – want to toss one?

Bring a touch of the circus into the dialogue with “Juggling invisible balls – want to toss one?” This whimsical response turns a mundane question into a playful invitation to join in the imaginary fun.

22. Mastering the art of staring into the void.

Delve into the philosophical with “Mastering the art of staring into the void.” This response adds a touch of existential contemplation to your activities, turning a simple question into a moment of introspection.

23. Perfecting my ninja moves in the kitchen.

Combine humor with a dash of action by claiming, “Perfecting my ninja moves in the kitchen.” This unexpected response transforms everyday activities into a theatrical performance, eliciting smiles and laughs.

20 Funny Responses to What Are You Doing?

24. Creating a conspiracy theory about missing socks.

Add a touch of mystery to the conversation with “Creating a conspiracy theory about missing socks.” This humorous response turns a mundane topic into a playful exploration of the absurd.

25. Summoning the procrastination demons.

Embrace the universal struggle with “Summoning the procrastination demons.” This self-aware response adds a humorous twist to the reality of delaying tasks, creating a relatable moment for everyone involved.

26. In a heated debate with my houseplants.

Take a comedic turn by claiming, “In a heated debate with my houseplants.” This whimsical response transforms a mundane activity into a playful scenario, sparking laughter and curiosity.

27. Learning to speak whale. Wanna join my oceanography class?

Embrace the whimsical with “Learning to speak whale. Wanna join my oceanography class?” This imaginative response invites others into a world of playful learning, turning a casual question into an opportunity for shared amusement.

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28. Playing hide and seek with my motivation.

Acknowledge the common struggle with “Playing hide and seek with my motivation.” This relatable response adds a touch of humor to the daily challenges we all face, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

20 Funny Responses to What Are You Doing?

29. Attending a seminar on “How to be unproductive.”

Turn the tables on productivity culture with this tongue-in-cheek response. “Attending a seminar on ‘How to be unproductive’” adds a humorous spin to the mundane, inviting others to share in the irony of embracing idleness.

30. Practicing mind control on my pet rock.

Conclude the list with a touch of absurdity by claiming, “Practicing mind control on my pet rock.” This whimsical response transforms a mundane activity into a playful exploration of imagination, leaving room for laughter and curiosity.


In the social fabric liaisons, one of the most common resources is the phrase “What are you doing?” is a mere tape which is used interchangeably in the society. However, incorporating humor into casual conversations can make them rise from the ordinary and even though a few of the provided examples can also seem rather banal, experiencing them as a humorous interaction can facilitate a feeling of closeness.

The 30 funny responses presented below prove that even such a dull object as a bucket of water can become the subject matter for an amusing conversation. Regardless if it’s counting stars, practicing ninja moves in the kitchen, or the summoning of the procrastination demons, such responses encourage sharing of other people’s worlds and turning ordinary questions to joyous episodes of playful communication.

If you are asked a question one day, “What are you doing?” the next time around answer them, “Being fabulous and amazing!” and all of a sudden, people will be laughing half the day.

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