35 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Extra

35 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Extra

35 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Extra,Enjoying the extra side is acknowledging and reveling in that peculiar character, affirming that everyone is special, and exhibiting vigor or energy. This word is often associated with bad meanings, but there are times when having an extra can be an advantage, so let everyone see you are proud of it.

When someone is fond of teasing you or playfully says to you that you are being extra, do not get offended or be sore loser, instead, reply with the following 35 confident, fun remarks.

1. “Thanks for noticing my enthusiasm!”

When someone remarks on your exuberance, embrace it with gratitude. Enthusiasm is contagious, and by acknowledging it, you’re sharing the positive energy that makes you stand out.

Example: Friend: “You’re so extra!” You: “Thanks for noticing my enthusiasm! It’s what keeps life interesting.”

2. “I choose to make things more intriguing.”

Turning the mundane into something intriguing is a talent. Let them know that your intention is to add a touch of mystery or fascination to everyday situations.

Example: Colleague: “Why do you always go above and beyond?” You: “I choose to make things more intriguing. Life’s too short for the ordinary!”

3. “I can’t help it; I’m naturally extra.”

Sometimes, being extra is just a part of who you are. Embrace your natural flair and let them know that your vibrant personality is authentic and unapologetic.

Example: Family member: “You’re overdoing it again.” You: “I can’t help it; I’m naturally extra. It’s just me being me!”

4. “Why be ordinary when you can be extra?”

Challenge the norm with this bold statement. Express that you prefer to live life on your terms, injecting a bit of extra into everything you do.

Example: Acquaintance: “You’re doing too much.” You: “Why be ordinary when you can be extra? It’s my way of making a statement.”

5. “I prefer to think of it as adding a little flair.”

Flair is about style, and adding a touch of flair to your actions is a classy way to stand out. Let them see that your extra is about sophistication.

Example: Classmate: “You always go overboard.” You: “I prefer to think of it as adding a little flair. It’s my signature touch.”

6. “I’m just living my best life.”

Living your best life often involves embracing all the aspects that make you happy. Communicate that your version of happiness includes being a little extra.

Example: Friend: “You’re doing too much for a Tuesday.” You: “I’m just living my best life. Tuesdays deserve a bit of excitement too!”

7. “Extraordinary is my goal.”

Highlight your aspirations with this powerful response. Let them know that your aim is not just to be ordinary but to reach for the extraordinary in everything you do.

Example: Co-worker: “Why do you always stand out?” You: “Extraordinary is my goal. I strive to make a difference and leave an impact.”

8. “I thrive on standing out.”

Standing out is a choice, and thriving on it is a conscious decision. Express that your extra nature is a source of personal empowerment and confidence.

Example: Sibling: “You always grab attention.” You: “I thrive on standing out. It’s my way of being confident and authentic.”

9. “I take pride in being one-of-a-kind.”

Celebrating your uniqueness is essential. Let them know that being extra is a manifestation of your commitment to being an individual, not a follower.

Example: Friend: “You’re unlike anyone I know.” You: “I take pride in being one-of-a-kind. Being extra is my way of expressing myself.”

35 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Extra

10. “Extra is just my way of expressing myself.”

Expressing yourself in a bold and flamboyant way is a beautiful thing. Communicate that your extra nature is your chosen form of self-expression.

Example: Roommate: “Why do you have to be so over-the-top?” You: “Extra is just my way of expressing myself. It adds color to my personality.”

11. “I’m like the extra sprinkles on the ice cream of life.”

Use this playful metaphor to illustrate that your extra touches are the sprinkles that make life more delightful and enjoyable for everyone around you.

Example: Neighbor: “You always make things so dramatic.” You: “I’m like the extra sprinkles on the ice cream of life. It’s all about making a statement!”

12. “It’s all about making a statement.”

Let them know that your extra nature is intentional. Every action you take is a statement, a way of expressing your personality and leaving an impression.

Example: Friend: “Why do you have to do everything so grand?” You: “It’s all about making a statement. Life should be lived boldly!”

13. “I inject my A-game into all I do.”

Highlight your commitment to excellence by using this phrase. Communicate that your extra efforts are your way of bringing your A-game to every aspect of life.

Example: Co-worker: “You’re putting too much effort into this project.” You: “I inject my A-game into all I do. It’s how I achieve excellence.”

14. “Extraordinary is my middle name.”

Playfully claim extraordinary as your middle name to show that going beyond the ordinary is deeply ingrained in your identity.

Example: Friend: “You’re always doing the most.” You: “Extraordinary is my middle name. It’s who I am, and I embrace it!”

15. “I embrace my uniqueness!”

Declare your love for your unique qualities with this response. Being extra is a celebration of your individuality, and embracing it is a powerful stance.

Example: Family member: “You’re so different from the rest of us.” You: “I embrace my uniqueness! It’s what makes me who I am.”

16. “Why settle for less even when there’s more?”

Encourage a mindset shift with this rhetorical question. Express that settling for less is not in your vocabulary, and you choose to embrace the abundance of life.

Example: Friend: “You’re always going above and beyond.” You: “Why settle for less even when there’s more to experience and enjoy?”

17. “I love adding a touch of extravagance.”

Extravagance is often associated with luxury and opulence. Use this phrase to communicate that your extra nature is a deliberate addition of lavishness.

Example: Acquaintance: “You’re making this event too fancy.” You: “I love adding a touch of extravagance. It elevates the experience for everyone.”

18. “Being extra is my superpower.”

Frame your extra nature as a superpower. Show that it’s not a weakness but a strength that sets you apart in a crowd.

Example: Sibling: “You always have to do things differently.” You: “Being extra is my superpower. It’s what makes me unique and memorable.”

19. “I’m an ardent believer in going upward and beyond.”

Flip the script on the traditional phrase “above and beyond.” Express that your commitment is not just to go beyond but to go upward, aiming for greater heights.

Example: Co-worker: “You’re taking this too seriously.” You: “I’m an ardent believer in going upward and beyond. It’s how I achieve success.”

35 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Extra

20. “I thrive on exceeding the ordinary.”

Let them know that your satisfaction comes from surpassing the ordinary. Being extra is a conscious choice to reach beyond the expected.

Example: Friend: “Why do you always have to do more?” You: “I thrive on exceeding the ordinary. It’s my way of pushing boundaries.”

21. “I turn everyday moments into extraordinary memories.”

Reveal the purpose behind your extra actions by expressing that you’re turning ordinary moments into lasting memories.

Example: Family member: “Why make a big deal out of a regular day?” You: “I turn everyday moments into extraordinary memories. It’s about creating a life worth remembering.”

22. “Why blend in when you can be the masterpiece?”

Encourage individuality with this rhetorical question. Express that being a masterpiece is more appealing than blending into the background.

Example: Friend: “You always stand out in a crowd.” You: “Why blend in when you can be the masterpiece? I’d rather be unique than ordinary.”

23. “I sprinkle a bit of magic wherever I go.”

Embrace the enchanting side of being extra by using this magical metaphor. Communicate that your presence brings a touch of magic to the world.

Example: Co-worker: “You make everything so dramatic.” You: “I sprinkle a bit of magic wherever I go. It’s my way of adding charm to life.”

24. “Life’s too short for mediocrity.”

Convey a sense of urgency with this statement. Express that your rejection of mediocrity is a conscious decision to make the most of every moment.

Example: Friend: “You’re too intense about everything.” You: “Life’s too short for mediocrity. I choose to live passionately and fully.”

25. “I’m not just living; I’m orchestrating a symphony of fabulousness.”

Elevate the conversation with this musical metaphor. Communicate that your life is not just a series of events but a carefully crafted symphony of fabulous moments.

Example: Sibling: “You’re doing too much for a simple dinner.” You: “I’m not just living; I’m orchestrating a symphony of fabulousness. Every moment is a note in my composition.”

26. “I add a dash of glamour to the ordinary.”

Glamour is often associated with sophistication and style. Use this phrase to express that your extra touch is like adding a touch of glamour to the otherwise ordinary.

Example: Acquaintance: “You’re making this casual event too fancy.” You: “I add a dash of glamour to the ordinary. It’s my way of making every moment special.”

27. “Mediocrity is not in my vocabulary.”

Make it clear that settling for mediocrity is not an option for you. Your choice to be extra is a rejection of the ordinary.

Example: Co-worker: “You’re putting too much effort into this.” You: “Mediocrity is not in my vocabulary. I strive for excellence in everything I do.”

28. “I don’t follow trends; I set them.”

Being a trendsetter is a powerful position. Use this phrase to communicate that your extra choices are not influenced by others but are a result of your unique perspective.

Example: Friend: “You always do things differently.” You: “I don’t follow trends; I set them. Being extra is about being a pioneer in my own way.”

29. “Normal is overrated; I’m all about the extraordinary.”

Challenge the notion of normalcy with this bold statement. Express that your rejection of normal is a conscious choice to embrace the extraordinary.

Example: Sibling: “You’re always doing things the hard way.” You: “Normal is overrated; I’m all about the extraordinary. It’s what makes life interesting.”

30. “In a world of black and white, I’m the burst of color.”

Paint a vivid picture with this colorful metaphor. Express that in a world of monotony, your extra nature adds vibrancy and excitement.

Example: Colleague: “You’re standing out too much in the office.” You: “In a world of black and white, I’m the burst of color. It’s my way of bringing life to the ordinary.”

31. “I believe in the power of the grand entrance.”

Make a dramatic statement by expressing your belief in the impact of a grand entrance. Your extra nature is about making a memorable impression.

Example: Friend: “You always have to make a big entrance.” You: “I believe in the power of the grand entrance. It sets the tone for what’s to come.”

32. “Why whisper when you can make a statement?”

Encourage boldness with this rhetorical question. Express that your extra choices are a way of making a statement, and ensuring that your voice is heard.

Example: Co-worker: “You don’t have to be so loud about your achievements.” You: “Why whisper when you can make a statement? Being extra ensures that my accomplishments are recognized.”

35 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Extra

33. “I’m the extra spark in the fire of life.”

Portray your extra nature as the spark that ignites passion and excitement in the journey of life. Communicate that you contribute to the energy of living.

Example: Acquaintance: “You’re too intense about everything.” You: “I’m the extra spark in the fire of life. It’s what keeps things interesting and dynamic.”

34. “Ordinary is for the faint-hearted; I choose to be unforgettable.”

Challenge the idea that ordinary is safe with this bold statement. Express that your choice to be extra is a commitment to leaving an indelible mark.

Example: Friend: “You’re doing too much for a simple gathering.” You: “Ordinary is for the faint-hearted; I choose to be unforgettable. It’s about leaving a lasting impression.”

35. “I don’t do things by halves; I go all in, all the time.”

Express your commitment to wholehearted living with this phrase. Communicate that your extra nature is a result of your dedication to fully experiencing life.

Example: Sibling: “You’re always so extreme in everything.” You: “I don’t do things by halves; I go all in, all the time. It’s my way of embracing life to the fullest.”


People do not have to label themselves as ‘extra’ in a negative way; instead, it is possible to embrace such a status as a sign of one being energetic and devoted to life. These 35 responses will help you to take the extra side and make it cool, giving those who criticize you a middle finger to be happy with their miserable life.

 So the next time someone says to you ‘you are extra’ you say to them that you are the extra that they need in their life, you are the extra-ordinary excitement and confidence in their lives, you are the extra pizzazz in their lives and you say it with style. To end all of this let it be said that life should not be Ordinary because life is too short!

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